Best Online DJ Course (3 for 2024)

Best  Online  DJ  Course

our ultimate buying guide

Whether you are new to the world of DJing and looking to fast-track through the early stages of your learning, or… 

whether you are an experienced DJ, looking to either level up your current skills, or learn a new aspect of this great art…

choosing the right DJ course is a decision you want to get right. 

I’ve been DJing for twenty years now, and just recently I’ve been on a mission to try and uncover exactly which online DJ schools give you the most bang for your buck.

If you’re seriously pushed for time, here’s a quick rundown of our top picks:

online dj course djcoursesonline

DJ Courses Online

  • OUR TOP RATED FOR: Beginner and Intermediate DJ’s.​
  • WHY WE LOVE IT: Outstanding quality plus different ways to join…monthly, yearly, lifetime access.

dj course wearecrossfader

We Are Crossfader

  • OUR TOP RATED FOR: Intermediate and advanced DJ’s.
  • WHY WE LOVE IT: Courses for DJ’s who already have top skills are hard to come by. ​

online dj course digitaldjtips

Digital DJ Tips

  • OUR TOP RATED FOR: Beginner DJ’s.
  • WHY WE LOVE IT: Direct tutor access gives the course that personal touch.​

Keep reading if you want to find out exactly why we’ve rated these as our favourite online DJ schools.

Do You Need A DJ Course?

Most people who DJ have never taken a DJ course.

But let’s be honest here…most people who DJ are bang average at absolute best.

Is that too mean a thing to say?

Nah, it isn’t, because most people who DJ are just doing it for a bit of fun and are perfectly happy being pretty average.

If you fall into that category, it’s probably not that worth your while in paying for a course. Practice and learn in your own time and you’ll get there.

You can fast-track your success

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the only way you can become a better than average DJ is to sign-up to a course. There are tons of amazing DJ’s who have never been near a DJ course.

But, if you want to significantly increase your chances of becoming one of the better DJ’s, with sharper skills, more quickly acquired, signing up to a course may well be the right way to go.

And remember, whichever course you go with, if you go with any at all, you will still need to practice, practice, practice…practice until your ears bleed and someone turns the electricity off.

How To Choose The Right DJ Course

It’s a little bit like shopping for just about anything really.

Before you do anything else, make sure you have a good clear idea in your head of what you are looking for.

By which I mean, which set of skills are you looking to learn or sharpen? How to beatmatch, mix with vinyl, DJ with Serato or Rekordbox, hone your scratching skills…the list is almost endless.

Once you’ve drawn up you’re shopping list of DJ skills, the goal is then not just to find the courses teaching exactly what you want to learn, but those that are teaching them to the highest standards.

Get the best course your budget will allow

If you’re going to spend your time and money on taking a DJ course, you might as well make sure it’s the best course you can afford.

Finally, once you have narrowed everything down to a shortlist of a couple of favourites, have a think about the teaching style of the tutor and the clarity they teach with.

I know this last point sounds kind of soft but honestly, if one of them just comes across as really easy to follow and understand because they just speak in a way that is good for you, let that be your final deciding factor.

Taking A DJ Course Will Make You Better

Oddly enough the rise of digital technology has made learning to DJ more complicated than it ever used to be. Not necessarily harder, just more complicated, if that makes sense?

What do us old duffers like to say?..“Back in the day”!

Well, back in the day, you got yourself two decks for vinyl, a mixer, an amp and speakers, plus a mate who was already into DJing to show you the ropes, and away you went, making your flatmate’s ears bleed as you crucified mix after mix.

But you got better because while it was hard to do, it wasn’t complicated to understand and sheer relentless practice would pay-off.

Nowadays, a good DJ tutor will show you around all the digital kit and will un-complicate that whole world for you.

You’ll be DJing out in no time

A good DJ tutor will also show you what do and how to do it and thereby enabel you to seriously fast-track the development of your skills, saving you months and maybe even years of learning.

As a direct result of gaining your skills faster, you will find yourself getting out of the bedroom and into a live DJ environment much, much quicker.

And this is really important as once you are in front of a live crowd, you will start to do three important things that you’ll never achieve as a bedroom DJ:

Banish any nervousness about DJing in front of a crowd. The first time I DJ’d out I was so nervous I needed both hands to place the needle on the record;

Learn how to read a crowd, and;

Develop your own style, something no one, no matter how good, can ever teach you.

Which Is The Best DJ Course For You?

We’ve searched relentlessly, high and low, through a ton of different online DJ schools and their numerous online courses.

From the wreckage we have chosen three different courses that you can now compare.

Take a look through what we think of each one of them and find the best DJ course for you.

DJ Courses Online

djcoursesonline how to dj course



Our Rating

DJ Courses Online

djcoursesonline how to dj course



Our Rating

Top Rated For

Our Top Rated For:

Beginner DJ’s on a tighter budget

I think one of the things I really loved about this course is that it’s a whole damn DJ school rolled into one.

With these guys, you don’t pay for a single standalone course. Instead you pay a monthly subscription starting at $19 and get access to their range of courses, which is extensive.

The best thing about this ‘package deal’ sort of arrangement is that it doesn’t matter whether you’re totally new to DJing, or a DJ master looking to finely tune one particular skill, you’re probably going to find what you’re looking for.

Top Features:

Regularly updated, high quality, HD video content

Classes to suit all skill levels

Learn and practice at your own pace

Industry leading DJ software all covered (Traktor Pro, Serato DJ & Scratch Live, Ableton Live, Mixed In Key)

Best for: Beginner DJ’s on a tighter budget


  • High quality tuition
  • Depth of course content
  • Always up to date
  • All popular software covered
  • 30 day 100% money back guarantee


  • Monthly subscription – starts cheap but can end up being expensive

We Are Crossfader

online dj course wearecrossfader



Our Rating

We Are Crossfader

online dj course wearecrossfader



Our Rating

Top Rated For

Our Top Rated For:

Intermediate and advanced DJ’s

Both of the courses mentioned earlier are, in my opinion, the standout online DJ training for beginners and intermediates. This online DJ school is a little different as they’re on my list because of their advanced training courses.

That’s right, if you’ve been Djing for a while and have locked down many of the skills that a decent DJ has in their weaponry, these guys could just have the course that will help you move up onto that next level.

If this is where you’re at as a DJ, We Are Crossfader have got something for you. They offer outstanding quality advanced DJ courses for Traktor, Serato, Rekordbox and Pioneer XDJ.

Their website is super easy to find your way around too as they have everything laid out in product specific and software specific sections.

Top Features:

Regularly updated, high quality, HD video content

Great for intermediate and advanced DJ’s

Learn and practice at your own pace

Best for: Intermediate / Advanced DJ’s


  • High quality tuition
  • Depth of course content
  • Always up to date
  • All popular software covered


  • Not presented with the same crystal clear clarity as the courses above

Digital DJ Tips

complete dj course digitaldjtips



Our Rating

Digital DJ Tips

complete dj course digitaldjtips



Our Rating

Top Rated For

Our Top Rated For:

Beginner and intermediate DJ’s

One of the guys behind this comprehensive course is the author of bestselling book ‘Rock The Dancefloor’, the hugely likeable Phil Morse.

I wish this course had been about when I started back in the year 2000.

I was lucky in that I got out of my own four walls and into playing out on a regular basis pretty early, but I just know that I would have had much better skills and greater confidence with this course behind me.

Aside from the high level of content quality that this course brings to the table, I found this course to be really enjoyable to go through. I don’t know, I just found Phil Morse to be really easy to understand and learn from.

Top Features:

Regularly updated, high quality, HD video content

Video lessons are super clear, concise and easy to follow

Learn and practice at your own pace

Active and helpful online community

Direct tutor access

Best for: Beginner DJ’s


  • High quality tuition
  • Depth of course content
  • Direct tutor access
  • Super easy to follow
  • Always up to date
  • All popular software covered
  • 30 day 100% money back guarantee
  • Active and helpful course community


  • A little pricier than some other online DJ courses

Can’t You Just learn It All On YouTube?

Some of it you probably can, but definitely not all of it.

Not the tricky stuff that’s for sure.

Going down the YouTube route will probably see you end up with the same basic skills every other aspiring new DJ has in their locker.  

And whatever you do learn is going to take you a whole lot longer.

Plus, how are you going to know if you’re doing it right? 

When you have questions, who you going to ask? 

These 3 DJ Courses are structured for your success…

So that you can speed up your learning,


So that you can learn better skills that will put you way ahead of the pack. 

These are structured courses that follow a framework proven to deliver results.

Wrapping It Up

That brings our roundup of the best online DJ courses to a close.

I hope this post has been of use to you and made your decision making a little bit easier.

Whatever way you go with this, remember to keep enjoying your DJing.

If the day ever comes when you no longer feel the love for getting out there and playing amazing, fresh music to bar and club goers, it’s time to hang up your headphones. Nobody should have to put up with listening to a bored DJ.

If you’ve got something to add on this topic, get involved and post your comment directly below.

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